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How time flies! It’s already halfway through 2024.
Tough but Chanllenging 6 months.After come back from our Spring Festival .We throw ourselves into hectic work.
Maintain regular customer orders and Constantly develop new customers.
We participated in 5 professional business training sessions. How to effectively communicate with customers, how to learn new marketing models, such as live streaming
Continuous learning can make continuous progress.
Arrange production according to customer’s order . Production ,Loading .And our new warehouseConstruction is also being stepped up.
Everything seems to be going smoothly.
Suddenly sea freight rates began to skyrocket. All the people dumbfounded . we all don’t know what happened.
All of a sudden our order has received some obstacles. And we face big loss for our CFR orders.
But we believe there will always be difficulties. Sunshine always comes after the storm.
Last week we try new packing way for our good customer. they are online salels. so we customized packing suitable for courier.
The products are garden Fence ,binding wire .

Post time: Jun-27-2024